It all began with a question concerning identity. As a white woman growing up in modern South Africa, artist Pascale Theron was inadvertently brought up to believe that she is inherently European; momentarily trapped in a ‘foreign’ land. Now, living in the Netherlands, she is grappling to construct her self-identity, and navigating her white privilege.
A quest for finding home and self-identity
Pascale Theron finds herself struggling to find ‘home’, being neither comfortable back in South Africa, a tourist in her own country now, and never really fitting in in the Netherlands either. The “Tussen Wal en Schip” exhibition mirrors the artists position within the world, and is a reaction to her feelings of not belonging, and being lost somewhere ‘tussen wal en schip’.
Glass seed beads and textiles are both critical elements throughout this exhibition. Combining crafts, the pieces become physical crossovers of culture that highlight the complex colonial connection and history between South Africa and the Netherlands that often go unacknowledged, are misunderstood, and are sometimes even intentionally forgotten.
This exhibition attempts to question personal identity and to apprehend racial constructs through the navigation and realisation of pieces that honour craft and the memory of those various people who are challenged by this between place; “tussen wal en schip”.
Visit the exhibition
Vanaf vrijdag 11 juni opent TAC haar deuren weer. Bezoek ‘Tussen Wal en Schip’ en andere exposities op vrijdagen, zaterdagen of zondagen tussen 14.00-18.00 uur. Een reservering voor je bezoek aan TAC is niet nodig; wij zullen je registreren aan de deur.